Per-Formance is a company focused on continuous education in field of Health Science.
Its main concern consists in the idea of sharing and diffusing knowledge of professionals accredited in the Science of Health (health care) within Europe.
Per-Formance targets all professional practitioners in health care who would like to perform, but have not always the possibility to access the most recent scientific results in their professional field.
The academics coming from all over Europe are selected because of their scientific and pedagogical curriculum. They guarantee a diversity of approaches in their teaching combined with a rich cultural exchange where critical spirit and pragmatism prevail and science is the common language.
The qualitative content of the courses and their organization are either recognized by official state organs or by a professional health care grouping promoting the quality of continuous education in health care.
These organizations and accreditations are to be found underneath.
Some of them allow partial reimboursements of continuous education application fee.
G.N.R.P.O (Groupement National Représentatif des Professionnels de l'Ostéopathie).
This representative national grouping of professionals in osteopathy is a Belgian organization that unifies professional Belgian associations of osteopaths. They are recognized by Royal Decree.
The professional unions must accede to the charter of the GNRPO which is defining common objectives for all professional osteopaths.
Therefore, the GNRPO guarantees the level of education of osteopaths named in its lists.
FIFPL (fonds interprofessionnel de formation des professionnels libéraux)
The FIF PL has been created by the UNAPL (Union Nationale des Professions Libérales) and other acceding professional organizations – according to the law of the 31st decembre 1991 regarding continuous education of independant workers and liberal professionals requiring from all of them the payment of the contribution fee for Professional Education (CFP) – in order to take over a part of the education costs. Therefore, one has to be registered at the URSSAF as an independant worker, not registered in the directory of crafts and registered with a code NAF at the FIF PL.
You will find all information concerning admission criteria on the website of the FIF PL
OGDPC (organisme gestionnaire du développement professionnel continu) -
This organization, founded on the 1st of july 2012, is the management authority of the development of continuous education . It is a grouping of public interest jointly represented by the state (Ministry of Social Affairs and Health) and the health insurance (UNCAM).
The OGDPC and its decision-makers ensure the steering of the continuous professional development (DPC) for all professionals in Health Care practising in France. The OGDPC manages the DPC’s finances for about 500000 professionals in Health Care.
The OGDPC finances for example the DPC of physiotherapists and dependant and liberal Doctors working in contracted Health Centres within the limit of the current budget available.
Every package includes the payment by the organization of the DPC providing the selected DPC program and also the compensation for the participant for his participation at the whole DPC program.
For more informations on the DPC package, look at :
Any continuous education proposed by » Per-Formance » on the italian territory have systematically to follow an accreditation process called « ECM » issued by the italian Ministry of Health.
Our courses are all accreditated and valued at a certain amount of points. The exact value is mentioned on the technical evaluation grid corresponding to the course.
E.g. :
Trattamento fisico dell’edema linfovenoso = 50 ECM
for more information aboutthe ECM system :
As a reminder, in Italy any practitioner in Health Care is legally obliged to update his knowledge and his professional practice by following accredited education valued by ECM points.
The practitioner has to accumulate at least 150 ECM in 3 years and 50 per year.